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Two paths one direction: is AI more understanding than humans?

  (The story below was produced when I asked chatGBT to give me two examples of how people successfully made it in recovery. I asked it to use both the disease model of addiction and the choice-based  approach to recovery. I found it quite interesting (but scary) that there was more acceptance and understanding in an AI  interpretation than I would normally get if I asked a human in recovery  - who are often more passionate, judgmental  or opinionated  in their view of what works- the same question.) Once upon a time, in a close-knit community, there were two individuals named Alex and Sarah, both embarking on their paths to recovery from drug addiction. Although they took different approaches, their ultimate goal was the same—to break free from the grip of addiction and build a healthier, happier life. Alex chose a choice-based approach to drug recovery. Determined to take control of his life, Alex believed in the power of personal agency and making conscious choices. He sought out th